
A new year is always the perfect time to renew our commitment to the most important things. We know what to do to restart better habits for our body; but do we know exactly what will renew a deeper life for our soul? It is this: saturation with the Word of God. Job 23:12 says, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread.” And Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) On the night of his betrayal, our Lord prayed to the Father on our behalf: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Nothing will renew our spiritual life more than a faithful emersion in the Word of God. The methodologies for regular Bible reading are endless. Just pick one, tell a friend, and get to it. Read through the entire Bible in a year. Read through the New Testament in a year. Read through the gospels as many times as you can in a year. Read and pray your way through the Psalms, the Old Testament prophets, or the letters of Paul.

If 2020 was the year of bingeing Netflix, let us commit to make 2021 the year of consuming the Bible! “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” (Psalm 19:10)

January begins a new series in our preaching schedule. Jesus: the I AM who changes everything. Why this series? To focus our lives on Jesus Christ. If the last year of isolation, fear, and uncertainty has shown us anything, it is that we must be anchored in our true identity as followers of Jesus. He once asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” But the larger question for us today is, “Who did Jesus say that He is?” Seven times He declared His true identity with statements that began with the loaded phrase: I AM… Each of these reveals His deity, His authority, and His transforming power in the lives of those who truly believe in Him. He is the great I AM; uncaused, uncreated, self-existent, self-sufficient, all-sufficient, omnicompetent, and eternal. To calibrate our lives around anything less is futile idolatry.

On Sunday, January 17, we will begin holding in-person services on each of our three campuses. It will be a phased regathering in which we will initially hold worship services but not all of our other programs. Details about service times and other logistics are available on our website and will be communicated in our weekly updates in the days ahead.

For ten months we have done our best to balance three biblical commitments: respect and submission for our local governing authorities, the call to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” as a local church, and a commitment to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are moving forward with in-person services with these three commitments in mind.

We understand that for some members of Calvary, meeting in-person is not advisable at this time. We will continue to provide our online worship services and HomeGroups and encourage you to tune in with us each week. Whether you are with us in-person or worshipping with us online, we love you and deeply value your crucial role in our fellowship.

For those who choose to return to in-person services, we ask that you do so with a spirit of grace and patience! The regathering will be a new thing, rooted in simply worshipping together again and studying God’s Word as a family. We will observe the guidelines of social distancing to the best of our ability. Masks will be required for now. We have installed new air-filtration systems on each of our campuses called the Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization System, a state-of-the-art air purification system to assist in reducing concentrations of viruses, particles, allergens, mold, odor, and bacteria in the air distribution system. To the best of our ability, we want our worship services to be simple and safe.

We have been praying for you. Pray for us as we launch into a new year and a new season at Calvary.

Warmly yours in Christ,

Tom Shirk
Senior Pastor

A Hope-Filled Christmas

I put my Christmas lights up the day before Thanksgiving. This annual chore is normally not performed until December 1, on principle. But this year, it seemed right to hasten a new season into existence. I took some grief from the neighbors, but by the end of the weekend their wives evidently got after them too and now our corner looks pretty festive. I like Christmas lights once they’re up.
A new season brings new hope. Hope of cards from family and friends far away. Hope for presents under the tree; stockings stuffed with trinket treasures, and the possibility of a white Christmas. Hey, maybe even a vaccine for COVID-19. Hope is a gift that lifts our eyes above the din around us toward the expectant arrival of something longed for. 
When the events of the very first Christmas are told in the opening books of the New Testament, it had been 400 years since the last book of the Old Testament (Malachi) had been written. The Advent of Jesus Christ, born of a virgin in the obscure town of Bethlehem, shattered 400 silent years of God speaking into human history. That long, dark season of silence is poetically captured in the carol, O Holy Night.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
‘Till He appeared and the soul felt His worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices.
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

Languishing through 10 months of COVID seems trite in comparison to 400 years without a word from God. Who could remain hopeful? Ah, but a remnant was waiting. Longing. They had not lost hope. Simeon comes to mind. When he held the baby named Jesus, just eight days after His birth, he declared to God: “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation.”  Hope fulfilled is a tree of life!
Hope well-grounded is a powerful force for flourishing through the complexities and exigencies of life in 2020. In our December worship services we’ll be anchoring our hope to the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus. Immanuel. Savior. King. Our series is called, A Thrill of Hope! Maybe you know someone who needs a fresh dose of hope this Christmas; why not invite them to join you online to worship with us?
Lucy and I love serving at Calvary with you; we pray God will give you a hope-filled Christmas!

Tom Shirk
Senior Pastor

Highs and Lows

Have you ever played the game “highs and lows?” It’s a great way to connect with others as everyone shares their high and low points of their day, week, or year. This season has been filled with both ups and downs for us all. There have been highs and lows within our families, work, church, community and country. It can be quite the rollercoaster.

As we journey through the book of Acts together we have seen the life of Paul through all kinds of ups and downs, highs and lows. He lives through times of comfort (Acts 18:2, 3) and times of need (Acts 16:23, 24). He encountered good civic leaders (Acts 13:6-12) and bad civic leaders (Acts 14:5, 6). Sometimes people listen to his message (Acts 17:11, 12) and sometimes they reject it (Acts 13:50). He has times where he is on his own (Acts 17:16) and times when he experiences rich community (Acts 18:1-5).

Paul shares how he lived through a multitude of circumstances. He did this not by his own tenacity but through the strength that came from Jesus. (Philippians 4:13). He didn’t make it through the good or hard parts of life by sucking it up, toughing it out, never showing weakness, pulling it together, or looking on the sunny side of life. He made it because of Jesus. This same source of strength is available to you too.

“I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13.

As we face the highs and lows together it is important to look to Jesus for stability. And being strengthened by Him lets us encourage one another and build one another up, just as we continue to see and hear that you are doing.

Tom Shirk and Thomas Milburn
Senior Pastor and Erie Campus Pastor