
Winter left reluctantly this year. Late snows seemed an appropriate illustration of the stubborn year it has been. But finally longer and warmer days are producing buds on the trees and blooms in the garden. A welcome change and a reminder of God’s providential faithfulness to His creation generally and to us particularly.
Last week we remembered His kindness to Calvary at our annual membership meeting in which we celebrated the multiple blessings of God in a difficult year. He provided all that we needed financially, He gave us grace to adapt to changing times with new strategies for ministry, and He kept us together in a loving unity during a time of disagreement, particularly on how to respond to the pandemic. Seasons change but God’s faithfulness does not.
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22, 23.)
It has been encouraging to see increasing numbers of people in our services each week. We were created to worship Him and to enjoy the fellowship of our shared life in Jesus. Being in the room together reminds us we are not alone in the travails of life and that we are a community of people on a mission to love God and love others. Our regathering this spring brought to mind what it must have been like when the Israelites returned to the land after 70 years of captivity! (Sort of). In 537 B.C. the first exiles returned to reestablish a worshipping community. The temple was in disrepair, the walls of the city were broken down. There was work to do but they rejoiced to be back in the land. God had been faithful to His people again.
We sense we are in a rebuilding phase at Calvary, reestablishing the patterns of life together as worshippers on mission. It is a hopeful season that we pray will produce new fruit that glorifies our faithful God. As you are able, we encourage you take your next step toward community life and service in the mission He has for us in here and around the world. Faithful is He who calls you!
Tom Shirk
Senior Pastor
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