
Erie Campus

Worship Night

February 7 | 7-8pm
@ Erie Campus

Join us for a great night of worship. Everyone is invited! ALL AGES! See you there.

Erie Men's Breakfast

February 8 | 7:30-9am
Erie Campus

Gather with the men of Calvary for breakfast as we get into the word together and learn from each other’s experiences. Whatever your relationship to work, God will have something in the conversation for you.


Mobile Bulletin

See what’s coming up this week at Calvary, give online, and find the key verse and disussion questions for the message.


55+ Around the World Dinner

Monday, February 24, 6pm

Calvary partners with families and organizations throughout the world! We invite you to join us for dinner and a time of prayer for our missionary partners.

Come as you are or in traditional clothing from your favorite country. RSVP is required for dinner.


Eagle Lake Base Camp

June 8-13, 2025

Join other Calvary Kids and friends for an epic week this summer! 


Ironman High School Trip

March 14-20, 2025
One of our favorite things as a ministry each year is our Ironman trip. We are headed back to southern California for a week of community, hanging out on the beach, incredible worship, teaching and so much more! We can’t wait to see how God will grow us and challenge us as we seek Him!


Heart of Advent

Thank you for generously donating to the heart of advent this year! Mark your calendars for May 1-4 to pack meals to send to communities in need.

News & Coming Up


Women's Spring Bible Study
Tuesdays through March 25, 6:30-8pm
or Thursdays through March 27, 9:15-11am
We are studying In View of God's Mercies, by Courtney Doctor.

Serve as a Guide with Calvary Wilderness!
Do you love outdoor adventure, connecting with the Creator and building relationships? Join the Calvary Wilderness Guide Team! We take groups men, women, students and families into the wilderness to to encounter God through his creation, his people, and his word. Learn more here.

Men's Bible Studies
We have many different Bible study options for men. Just reach out to us and we’ll help you plug in at any of our campuses. Learn more here or contact Rob.

Men of Action
Men of Action is a ministry which is ready to help those in need of assistance. If you are in need of help with yard cleanup or small home repairs, contact Dick Youngstrom.

Worship Night
February 7 | 7-8pm | @ Erie Campus
All ages!

Men's Breakfast - Erie
Gather with the men of Calvary as we get into the word together and learn from each other's experiences. All the men of Calvary Erie (from High School up) are invited as well as any family, friends, or neighbors who would like to join. (Bonus - if you are feeling spry - go to the Erie Rec lawn at 6 am for a pre-breakfast workout!) Learn more and register here!

55+ Around the World Dinner
February 24, 6pm
Calvary partners with families and organizations throughout the world! We invite you to join us for dinner and a time of prayer for our missionary partners.Come as you are or in traditional clothing from your favorite country. RSVP is required for dinner. Register.

Women's Local Retreat
March 1, 9am-8pm $55
Let's come together as women from all three campuses and set aside some time for a day filled with Biblical teaching, worship, and FUN! Join us for  "Fashioned to Flourish" – Calvary Women's Retreat 2025.
Dress comfortably for a day of teaching sessions, small group discussion, workshops, and fun activities!

Ironman | High School
March 14-20
High School students, we are headed back to southern California for a week of community, hanging out on the beach, incredible worship, teaching and so much more! We call this trip Ironman, not because we complete an actual Ironman, butwe strive to make it a week of challenging and sharpening one another in our faith. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” We can’t wait to see how God will grow us and challenge us as we seek him this Spring Break. We hope you will join us! Sign up!

Membership Class
April 6, 12:30-3:30pm
Learn more about Calvary’s history, beliefs, and vision from our pastors and ask any questions you may have about our church. At the end of the class, you will have the opportunity to meet with one of the Pastors or Elders and become an official member. If you don’t feel you are at that point, you can take time to process and then contact us to set up an interview at a later time. (Limited childcare and lunch are provided!) Register here!

Starting Point
April 27, 12:15-2:30pm
If you'd like to learn more about Calvary, Starting Point is your next step. Meet the staff and learn more about our church. Lunch and childcare are provided. Register here!

Eagle Lake Camp
June 8-13, 2025
Calvary Kids has reserved a week at Eagle Lake Camp of captivating and meaningful FUN! Learn more and register here!

Life Groups
Are you interested in joining a LifeGroup at Calvary? Contact Keesha Ivy to learn more or click here!

Church Center

Connect with Calvary on Church Center! Through Church Center you can interact with groups you are a part of, check in to events and Calvary Kids, access the mobile bulletin, manage your giving, listen to sermons, and more! You can learn more and find instructions at

Sign up to Receive Text Messages
Ministries at Calvary are now communicating through text messages. This will help you stay connected and receive timely information from your ministry! Sign up here through Church Center.