This page has everything you need to know about Calvary in Thornton, what to expect, and where to go once you arrive on Sunday. We look forward to meeting you!
9am & 10:30am
11989 St Paul St.
Thornton, CO 80233

Meet Zack Thompson
Thornton Campus Pastor
Prior to moving to Colorado, Zack Thompson had lived his whole life in Southern California. After graduating from Biola University (B.A. Biblical Studies) and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div. and Th.M.), he served in a handful of churches for twelve years. It was during this time that Zack was able to minister to and serve alongside people of all ages, doing whatever he could to make Jesus’ name known. He loves helping others know and love God more and more each day. Zack and his wife Emily are excited for the day when God adds to their family. Until then, their dog Lando (in honor of Gabriel Landeskog) is showered with too much affection. Zack has led the Calvary Thornton Campus since January 2021.

We have age appropriate, fun and safe programming for your kids from birth through fifth grade.

We partner with parents and create environments specifically for middle and high school students.
What to Expect
Knowing what to expect will help make your first visit more comfortable. Here are a few frequently asked questions to help you plan your visit.
What's a service like?
Each service includes God-glorifying worship music and Biblical teaching that is relevant to your everyday life. They last about an hour.
What about my kids?
Our fun kids ministry has energizing, age-appropriate programming for kids birth through fifth grade. We have a check-in system that ensures a safe environment and efficient drop-off and pick-up for parents.
New parent? Watch a live-feed of our service in the lobby.
Where do I go when I get there?
After you park, begin walking towards the main entrance. Our connection team will be outside the doors to meet you.
When you enter the lobby, turn right and walk down the hallway to kids check-in. Check your kids into their classrooms and then grab a cup of coffee in the lobby.
How early should I get there?
Plan on arriving to the campus at least 15 minutes before the service starts.
This will give you time to park, check your kids into their classrooms, and get a cup of coffee before the service begins. You’ll want to make sure you get into the Worship Center to find a seat before the music starts.