Who We Are

Calvary Wilderness crafts intentional wilderness experiences where men, women, students and families can encounter God through his creation, his people, and his word!

Connected Relationships

Our goal is to have everything we do be a vehicle for trip participants to connect in Christ centered community with others as they experience the outdoors.

Communion with God

Calvary Wilderness prioritizes spaces for all participants to be with God in his word and world. WIth the distractions of everyday life removed, we seek communion with God through practices like, solitude, silence, prayer and time in the scriptures.

Creation & Recreation

God has designed humans for a rhythm of work and rest. Wilderness excursions are an opportunity to cease our everyday work to enjoy the works of God in his beautiful creation as we adventure, play and experience God’s refreshment together.

Experiential Biblical Learning

We strive to connect the experiences of the outdoors with the truth found in the scriptures. We are committed to teaching, learning, making decisions and challenging participants through wilderness experiences rooted in the teaching of God’s word.

Stay in the Loop!

Sign up for the Calvary Wilderness Newsletter here!

Questions? Connect with Lindsay to learn more!