Join us for a weekly gathering of young adults! The goal is to know others while being known ourselves, grow in relationship with God and serve the community.

The Possibility of Prayer: Finding Stillness in God in a Restless World

But the life of prayer is neither efficient nor productive. Instead, as we learn in the psalms, prayer calls us to wait, to watch, to listen, to taste, and to see. These things are not productive by any modern measure―but they are transformative.

As a pastor in Manhattan, John Starke knows the bustle and busyness of our society. But he also knows that prayer is not just for spiritual giants. Prayer, he writes, is for each of us―not because we are full of spiritual wisdom and maturity, but because we are empty. Here is an invitation to discover, via the church’s ancient rhythms and with Starke’s clear, practical guidance, the possibility of prayer. Here is a book about prayer that is really a book about the whole Christian life.

Purchase your book: The Possibility of Prayer

When & Where:

Monday Nights 6:30 & 8pm at Thornton Campus

Monday January 15th – Launch
Monday April 22nd – Final Meeting
Service Project first weekend in May (6:8 Project)


Contact Justin Hudnall