An Exalted Vision of Jesus

If your only vision of Jesus is Him gently holding a lamb in his arms, or looking compassionately over a hillside feeding the 5,000, or worse, of a dashboard bobblehead good-luck charm, you definitely need a new vision of the living Christ!  They say familiarity...

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Always Pray, & Don’t Lose Heart

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2. Last week at Calvary two of our families suffered the death of a child. It is impossible to appreciate the crushing grief or to feel...

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Six Reasons We Need Biblical Theology

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 20, 21. Today is not a day for spiritual wimps. It is a...

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This We Believe

Core beliefs govern core behaviors. How we think determines how we live. Or at least that’s the way it should be. Sadly, not all beliefs are consciously perceived, but instead somewhat passively assumed. For example, it is possible to assert with confidence the...

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Greatest Worth

We were made for awe and beauty. There is something in us that awakens when we gaze into the dark night sky and see a million brilliant stars. When we stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon or the coast of a vast ocean. What is big and beautiful stirs us. Several years...

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Lucy and I had the privilege of being in Jerusalem last week, part of an 8-day tour of Israel. It was exhilarating to be in the places where our Lord walked, performed miracles, taught the multitudes, and eventually was crucified for us. Our time there coincided with...

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Unity in the church is a big deal to God. Jesus prayed for it just before He went to the cross to make it possible. In what is often referred to as His “high priestly prayer” (John 17), Jesus specifically asked that all those who would come to believe in Him...

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Joy – Peace – Hope

A few weeks before Christmas I made a purchase on my phone, which seemed altogether routine. Within minutes text messages alerted me to the possibility that my purchase was fraudulent and that I should call this number. I did and was immediately talking to a very...

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Going Back in the Box

Lucy and I did a Liberty jigsaw puzzle together over the Christmas holiday. Successfully assembling five hundred and sixty-two wooden pieces of fascinating shapes and colors is both a mental and tactile triumph. (I’m a simple man). There is something joyous about...

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Sovereign Over All

Of all the glories for which God must be praised, His providential rule over all things shines brightly at Christmas. The incarnation of Jesus occurred at the perfect time and in the precise place of God’s sovereign design. In the eternal decree of God, Mary and...

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