Someone you know needs Jesus
Someone you know needs Jesus. God may well be preparing their hearts for the next time your life intersects with theirs. How can you get them to Jesus? Easter services at Calvary have a built-in draw for moving people toward the good news of the gospel. More people...
Questions Jesus Asked
If you could ask Jesus any question, what would it be? He’s omniscient – there is nothing He doesn’t know. Wouldn’t it be exhilarating, and maybe a bit intimidating, to ask Him anything? Does the Daniel diet really work? What are the top three stocks you’d invest in...
Frazzled? Or Flourishing?
Let’s take a little test to start off 2024. Which word best describes you today? Frazzled? Floundering? Or, flourishing?Recovering from the busy holiday rush, returning to the pressures of everyday life, or worrying about the uncertainties of another year can leave...
The Peace of Advent
In May of this year the Wall Street Journal published a list of 29 countries currently engaged in armed military conflict around the world. It is difficult to reconcile this reality with the Christmas longing of peace on earth and good will to men. To say nothing of...
The Last Days
The LAST DAYS are generally referred to in the Bible as the time between the first and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. But more specifically, the Bible indicates that prior to the Lord’s second coming (the LAST of the LAST DAYS) there will be rampant...
Worthy is the Lamb
Our study in the book of Revelation has been a rich examination of the glory and worth of Jesus our Savior. The book is an unveiling of Him, by Him. We have seen Him in the midst of the Church, ruling over the Church, instructing and correcting the Church. His titles...
An Exalted Vision of Jesus
If your only vision of Jesus is Him gently holding a lamb in his arms, or looking compassionately over a hillside feeding the 5,000, or worse, of a dashboard bobblehead good-luck charm, you definitely need a new vision of the living Christ! They say familiarity...
Always Pray, & Don’t Lose Heart
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2. Last week at Calvary two of our families suffered the death of a child. It is impossible to appreciate the crushing grief or to feel...
Six Reasons We Need Biblical Theology
But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 20, 21. Today is not a day for spiritual wimps. It is a...
This We Believe
Core beliefs govern core behaviors. How we think determines how we live. Or at least that’s the way it should be. Sadly, not all beliefs are consciously perceived, but instead somewhat passively assumed. For example, it is possible to assert with confidence the...