Tracey's Story
“In the summer after my freshman year of high school He broke into my life and showed me the love that He has for me. He brought me from hating Him and loving darkness to coming to know who He is and loving His character.” – Tracey

Molly's Story
“At Calvary I’ve found a sense of community and belonging, a group of friends, and a way to serve.” – Molly

Bob's Story
“Calvary has always given me and our family Jesus in so many ways. Jesus has given us Himself through the teaching from the front and opportunities to use our gifts.” – Bob
Sharing our stories with one another gives us encouragement and the opportunity to celebrate all God is doing in our church and communities.
Whether it’s a short statement of connecting to the church online or in-person or a testimony of life-change, we would love to hear your story to celebrate all God is doing at Calvary!