Partner with us to further the mission and vision of Calvary
Sign up for our next Membership Class:
Erie & Thornton – April 6, 2025
Boulder – April 27, 2025
The class gives you the chance to learn more about Calvary’s history, beliefs, and vision. It’s led by our pastors and offers plenty of time for you to ask any questions you may have. At the end of the class, you will have the opportunity to meet with one of the Pastors or Elders and become an official member. If you don’t feel ready at that point, you can certainly take some time to process and then contact us to set up an interview at a later time. Childcare and lunch provided!
When you become a member at Calvary, you become a member of a community of people who are fully devoted to being all that glorifies God. We never ask our members to do more than the Bible clearly teaches, but we do have a deep desire that every member at Calvary Bible Church would be “pulling on the rope,” to accomplish the mission and vision of the church together. We only expect our members to do what the Bible expects every Christian to do. By becoming a member and signing our Membership Covenant, you are agreeing, by the grace of God, to commit to:
- Join others in fulfilling the mission of Calvary Bible Church
- Care for other members as needed
- Further our vision of Making Disciples, Empowering Leaders, and Multiplying Churches
- Support Calvary through your prayers, talents, and finances