Partnering with the city of BoulderCalvary has committed to help in the four largest areas of need in the City of Boulder and has developed strategic partnerships with the organizations below in order to support these needs in relevant and impactful ways. If you would like to find out more and how you can get involved, please contact Kristen Reiner at kreiner@calvarybible.com or 720-749-3055.

At-Risk Families + Children
Calvary supports programs that impact the education, life choices, and success of single parents, their children, and struggling families.
University Hill Elementary School
Be a positive caring adult influence for an at-risk student and change their future. Reading buddies, tutors, mentors, classroom helpers, share a hobby or skill, pray for a student. Contact Kristen at kreiner@calvarybible.com to find out more.
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center
BPRC is in need of volunteers to help with administrative, mentoring, special events, parenting classes, and much more. Go to boulderpregnancyresourcecenter.com or call 303-960-7915 for more information.
Volunteers are needed to pick up residents at the Safehouse and bring them to church, provide mentoring and support, and special events. Contact Phyllis at phyllisahilker@gmail.com.

Affordable Housing
We support hard working Boulder county families with access to affordable housing through the following partnerships.
Habitat for Humanity
Support affordable housing in the city by volunteering at the Re-Store, at a build site, or planning home dedication celebrations. Contact Kristen at kreiner@calvarybible.com to find out more. Check out Flatiron Habitat’s website at flatironshabitat.org.
Click here to sign up for the next Calvary build day.
Sign up to help with our next food drive or volunteer at EFAA’s food pantry by contacting Kristen at kreiner@calvarybible.com to find out more. Check out EFAA’s website at efaa.org.

Aging Adults
Calvary engages in partnerships that promote the well-being, dignity, and independence of age 65 and older adults, and their caregivers.
Brookdale Sunday Services
Help is needed with planning, organizing, as well as skilled vocalists and musicians to play at these services. Friendly faces to sit with residents are much appreciated as well. Contact Lisa at lisadivaone@gmail.com.

Calvary supports local agencies that provide homeless services such as food, educational programs, coordinated entry sites, and permanent supportive housing.
Lamb’s Lunch
Care for the homeless by preparing and serving a hot meal one Saturday per month during the winter. This is a perfect serving opportunity for a Lifegroup or class to do together. Contact Kristen at kreiner@calvarybible.com to find out more.
Winter Gear Drives
We collect warm clothing, outerwear, boots, sleeping bags, and tents each winter for the homeless. Contact Kristen at kreiner@calvarybible.com to find out more.