Thank you for generously donating to the Heart of Advent this year! Mark your calendars for May 1-4 to pack meals to send to communities in need.

The 6:8 Project
Team Building for Businesses: Meal Packing
May 1-4, 2025
If your business or employer is interested in sending a team of employees to our Meal Packing event May 1-4, please email the name and contact info for your organization’s team development leader to Kristen Reiner.

For over a decade, Calvary has embraced the spirit of giving during the Christmas season through our annual Heart of Advent initiative. Our unwavering vision has been to inspire a heartfelt worship of Christ, encouraging a shift from self-indulgence to selflessness, and fostering generosity both locally and globally.

Throughout the Heart of Advent seasons, together with our local and global partners, we have achieved impactful milestones, such as launching churches in Sudan, Lebanon, and the Front Range, providing education for pastors and professors in Haiti, and opening our Thornton Campus. We’ve also been actively involved in supporting refugees, extending assistance to individuals in Ukraine, and standing alongside families affected by the Marshall fire. In partnership with local and global ministries, we’ve not only addressed pressing needs but also shared the hope of Jesus during the Christmas season. Together, we’ve made a meaningful impact, reflecting the true spirit of giving and compassion.

This year, we’ll focus on the global issue of food insecurity.

The organization UNTO has been faithfully providing food to those in need for nearly 30 years and in over 75 countries. UNTO works with local partners to deliver meals and supplies to communities that need it most. In 2023 UNTO heard about challenges in South Sudan where communities were struggling with malnutrition and starvation. Being called to do something, they partnered with 20 local churches to address this need. The result was filling two shipping containers to provide meals for 8,000 people in South Sudan. We believe through partnering with UNTO that we can have a similar impact. This year through the Heart of Advent, our goal is to partner with UNTO to raise $120,000 to provide 360,000 Meals globally. The Heart of Advent fund will be used to purchase rice, beans, and nutrients that will be packed at Calvary Bible Church during the 6:8 Project in May 2025. We can participate in addressing global hunger by giving financially now during The Heart of Advent, then serving with our hands as we scoop, measure, and pack meals together during the 6:8 Project this Spring.

This year, through the Heart of Advent, our goal is to partner with UNTO to raise $120,000 to provide 360,000 meals globally. The Heart of Advent fund will be used to purchase rice, beans, and nutrients that will be packed at Calvary Bible Church during The 6:8 Project in May 2025.

UPDATE: Thank you! We reached this goal!

This button redirects you to our giving page on Church Center. After filling in the amount of your gift click the drop down menu that says “General” and select where you would like to give.