Form a Group
There is a great community waiting for you this fall. Will you help form it?
Watch these short videos to learn more about launching a LifeGroup at Calvary.
Biblical Communities on Mission
Facilitating a LifeGroup
Launch a LifeGroup
Questions and answers
What is a LifeGroup?
Why LifeGroups?
We believe spiritual growth happens when we are intentional about being in relationships with other people who love Jesus. Every LifeGroup is ideally suited to model what we call Biblical Communities on Mission. These are communities of people committed to learning and applying God’s Word, caring for each other’s needs, and demonstrating the love of God by serving together outside the group.
Who's in a LifeGroup?
Anyone, really: singles, couples, and families. Each group has several basic roles within it—a facilitator who guides the discussion and prayer time; a host who helps create a hospitable environment (sometimes the same person as the facilitator); and participants who are there to grow in their love for Jesus and each other.
How do I get into a LifeGroup?
What if I am new to the church?
We would love to meet you in-person on one of our three campuses or on Zoom to help connect you with a LifeGroup. You can sign up for Coffee on Zoom to meet someone from our staff who will help you.
How do I start a LifeGroup?
What about my kids?
Check out a sample facilitator weekly discussion guide and learn more about the facilitator role.