Embrace being the primary influencer and faith trainer in your family.

Here’s how to get started:

At Calvary:

Foundations Classes – We were not meant to survive this parenting journey alone. We were meant to thrive in parenting our children with the support of our faith community. Join us as we tackle popular parenting topics on felt needs such as sexuality, living on mission, #screens, family worship. (1-3x year) 

Family/Child Dedication – Recognizing that God instructs parents to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Deut. 6:4-9, Eph. 6:4), parents publicly commit to being the primary faith trainers of their children through a Family/Child Dedication service. (2x a year)

Family Worship materials – We love families worshipping together in the Worship Center. Inside the Kids Worship bags on the back wall, parents can find a laminated card with tips on how to best worship with your kids. It is NOT about keeping them quiet but guiding them and keeping them engaged in worship.

At Home:

Take home materials – We are continually giving parents discipleship resources. Look for Sunday morning handouts, monthly Family Time Station experiences, Easter and Christmas devotionals, and more, as we strive to set parents up to be the primary spiritual leader their homes.

Celebration Booklets – We offer baptism and communion classes for kids. In hopes to set parents up to be the primary spiritual influence in their child’s life, we give every participating child a baptism or communion guide to support ongoing discussion at home.

Resource of the Month – Every month in our Family e-mail blast we highlight a Resource of the Month that we recommend reading or watching.


Leverage every day and special moments as a family for Christ-centered conversations and celebrations.

Here’s how to get started:

At Calvary:

Baptism – Several times a year, we invite kids to get baptized. We host a class for the child (parents are welcome) to discuss what it means. Every family receives a Baptism booklet to go through together at home.

Third Grade Bible Celebration – Each fall we create a special ceremony, during the service, for parents to present their 3rd grade child with  their very own Bible. We send home a spiritual parenting tool on how to help your child navigate their new Bible.

4th Grade Communion Experience – Each winter we host a special class on communion, which connects the dots for kids about Passover, a Sedar meal, The Last Supper, and communion, today.  This class is experiential, with eating, writing, small group discussion, video and large group teaching. Every family receives a Communion booklet to go through together at home, in preparation to take communion together the following week at church.

Family Worship materials – We love families worshipping together in the Worship Center. Inside the Kids Worship bags on the back wall, parents can find a laminated card with tips on how to best worship with your kids. It is NOT about keeping them quiet but guiding them and keeping them engaged in worship.

At Home:

Family Time StationWe encourage families to swing by this station and pick up a timely, meaningful and fun activity, each month, to support you on your spiritual parenting journey.

Discipleship Milestone Resources – We provide families discipleship materials that connect to our Child Dedication morning, 3rd grade Bible class, our 4th grade’ communion class and our kids’ baptism class so you can capitalize on each milestone and teach your kids about these important topics as well.


Build and prioritize Christ-centered friendships for yourself and family.

Here’s how to get started:

At Calvary:

Community Events – Our heart is for our greater Erie and beyond community. Therefore, we plan excellent and fun events, that are easy to invite friends and neighbors to. We host; sleep away camp, Kids Week, Easter Egg Hunt, Children’s Christmas Pageant, and more. (Throughout the year)

Family Meet Ups – Several times throughout the year, we offer community building opportunities, to connect families in light-hearted and creative ways for planned meetups. Come! (3x in the summer)

Men’s and Women’s Events- Calvary hosts different men and women’s events that parents can bring their sons or daughters to such as the Women’s Christmas Brunch or Men’s Breakfasts. This is a great way to help integrate high schoolers into the larger church community, help parents connect in relationship, and create meaningful touch points between parents and students.

At Home:

Life Groups – One of the best ways to find community and grow in your faith is to join a Life Group (A place to share life and get to know Jesus, in community.) Most groups meet twice a month…and meet in homes. There is childcare available if families meet on the designated “on campus” night. (You can join a group any time, contact

Service Projects – Calvary is a community that serves one another and our surrounding community. We create family service opportunities whether it is stuffing a stocking at Christmas, filling a bag with canned food, or participating in the mission project at Kids Week.

See What’s Happening in Calvary Kids