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Events for All Campuses

Please choose your campus for more events and opportunities specific to your location.

Undivided: 1 Corinthians

Boulder & Thornton 9 & 10:30am
Erie 8, 9:30, & 11am

Join us to study Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church. Many things could divide us and this book will remind us of our identity, our purpose, and our unity in Jesus Christ.

Easter Weekend

April 18-20

Celebrate Easter with us! Click here for all the details.


Easter Egg Hunt

April 19, 10am-12pm

Bring your baskets and join us anytime between 10am-12pm for a unique Easter egg hunt at Calvary! Includes snacks, games, and prizes!


68 Project

May 1-4

During The Micah 6:8 Project, we put faith into action with mercy and justice projects to make an impact in our communities and across the world.


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