Women’s Mentoring
Have you ever wanted a mentor or felt led to mentor someone else? We would love to hear from you! The mission of the Women’s Mentoring Ministry is to know God more deeply through intentional friendship by sharing life, seeking the Lord, studying His word, and praying for each other. Pairs meet for 12 weeks at a time following a rich and flexible curriculum, with groups launching each Fall and Spring semester.
If you’re interested in being mentored or becoming a mentor, please complete the form below or contact Whitney Kelley.
1. How are we paired?
After the submission of applications, which will indicate the goals, expertise and interests of each individual, a prayerful review will be conducted by Program Coordinators Jean Farrington and Whitney Kelley to determine the most meaningful and beneficial pairing.
2. What kind of time commitment is required?
The initial training will take approximately 2-3 hours, including an overview and training for each role. Following this training, the paired mentors/mentees will establish their own schedule for meeting one-on-one, each month (for a suggested 1-2 hours), over the span of three months. At the conclusion of the three months, a 2-hour celebration of the mentoring journey will be held, which will include a final evaluation of how things went and suggestions for improvements for the next launch.
3. How does the program handle confidentiality and privacy concerns?
Confidentiality is a top priority, ensuring information shared between mentors and mentees remains private unless there is a risk to an individual.
4. Can mentors and mentees continue their relationship beyond the formal 3-month duration of this program?
Yes, mentors and mentees are welcome to mutually continue their relationship, fostering lasting connections!