His Story My Story
Tuesdays April 8–29, 6:30-8pm
Thursdays, April 3-24, 9:30-11am
Join us for a 4-week workshop covering: What is the Gospel, How to Share Your Story of Faith, How to Invite others into Relationship with Jesus and How to Ask Good Questions. Come hear from Calvary women and practice what we learn together.
Registration now closed

Gather: Fellowship - One Meal at a Time
May 1, 6-8pm
You are invited to dinner! Meet and connect with other Calvary women in various seasons of life. This is a one evening commitment that we hope will lead to friendships that go beyond the dinner table.

Know God more deeply through intentional friendship by sharing life, seeking the Lord, studying His word, and praying for each other. Apply to mentor and be mentored.
MOMCo Mornings | Erie
(1st & 3rd) or (2nd & 4th) Tuesdays
Tuesday Mornings: 9:15-11am | Erie Campus
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith. MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on. Note: The MOMCo is open to first-time expectant mamas who’d like to be plugged in before baby arrives. If you want to try to put your kid(s) in childcare at any point, please reserve a spot now.
MOMCo at Night | Erie
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month
Tuesday Nights: 6:30-8pm | Erie Campus
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith. MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on. Note: The MOMCo is open to first-time expectant mamas who’d like to be plugged in before baby arrives. We do not offer childcare at our MOMCo at Night meetings.
Jennifer Ruble, Director of Women’s Ministries
Erie Campus Women Newsletter
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