In 2023, more than 281 million people experienced high levels of acute food insecurity requiring emergency food support and livelihood assistance. Communities around the world are suffering from starvation, malnutrition, and death due to the extreme lack of food in many countries.
The organization UNTO has been faithfully providing food to those in need for nearly 30 years and in over 75 countries. UNTO works with local partners to deliver meals and supplies to communities that need it most. This Spring during the 6:8 Project we will be partnering with UNTO to pack a half million meals to be sent around the world. One dollar provides 3 meals! Sign up for a food packing session below.
What does a meal packing session look like?
Each session is about 2 hours long. Volunteers will work together at stations to scoop, measure, and pack meals. Each station will have about 20 people and will be led by a trained station leader. Volunteers must sign up for sessions online in advance. All volunteers should arrive 15 minutes early to check-in prior to their session. A brief training will be provided at the start of each session.
Who can volunteer?
Anyone ages 5 and up can volunteer. Sign up as a family, with your life group, volunteer individually, or bring your business/organization to volunteer together. (All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult).
What should I wear?
Please wear comfortable clothes to work and get dirty. Closed toed shoes are required. Supplies will be provided to volunteers at check in (gloves, hairnets)
Where will the packed meals be sent?
UNTO sends meals to countries all over the world. Some of these countries can't even be disclosed publicly for safety reasons. While we don’t know exactly where these meals will go, we know UNTO will send them to the place they’re needed most!
Meal packing sessions are at Calvary Bible Church in Thornton (11989 St Paul St.).
This year we will be collecting basic shelf stable food items for Food for Hope for the Spring and summer. Our food drive will be three weeks beginning on Sunday April 20 – May 4.
Contact Brody Young.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8
The 6:8 Project is a weekend that we set aside every year to focus on ways we can practice justice and mercy.
Since The 6:8 Project began in 2017 we have packed hundreds of thousands of meals that were sent overseas, we have learned about meeting the physical and spiritual needs of children through the Compassion Experience, we’ve raised funds and awareness about the need for clean drinking water in many parts of the world, and we have helped refugee families as they settle in Colorado. We’ve participated in many other projects that have helped us understand God’s heart for those in need of justice and mercy.
The Prophet Micah tells us what good actions God desires; to DO justice, LOVE mercy and WALK humbly with Him. Why does this please Him? Because it reflects His character. Putting Micah 6:8 into action helps us discover God’s heart and our place in His good purposes.