Thank you! All the spots are filled this spring.


Over the last few years we have welcomed 4 refugee families to Colorado and helped them settle in to new lives here. We are looking to build and train a new team of volunteers to welcome a fifth refugee family. If you’re interested in this ministry we have two opportunities for you.

First, we will be having an informational meeting on Sunday, May 19, at 12:30pm in the Student Ministries room at the Erie Campus. This is a great opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and let us know you’re interested in joining a team. Lunch is provided.

Thank you for your donations!

ERIE UPLINK FOOD DRIVE | Thank you for donating!

We will once again because of your gensourity we were able to help feed local kids alongside Erie Uplink! For the past 6 years, we have collected food for Erie Uplink’s fall Tiger Packs – backpacks full of food that go out to kids on long weekends in Erie.


Contact Jennifer Jones.


“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

The 6:8 Project is a weekend that we set aside every year to focus on ways we can practice justice and mercy.

Since The 6:8 Project began in 2017 we have packed hundreds of thousands of meals that were sent overseas, we have learned about meeting the physical and spiritual needs of children through the Compassion Experience, we’ve raised funds and awareness about the need for clean drinking water in many parts of the world, we have helped refugee families as they settle in Colorado. And many other projects that have helped us understand God’s heart for those in need of justice and mercy.

The Prophet Micah tells us what good actions God desires; to DO justice, LOVE mercy and WALK humbly with Him. Why does this please Him? Because it reflects His character. Putting Micah 6:8 into action helps us discover God’s heart and our place in His good purposes.