What is The MOMCo?
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith.
MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on.
Note: The MOMCo is open to first-time expectant mamas who’d like to be plugged in before baby arrives.
We have gatherings in Erie & Thornton. Find more details below.

MOMCo Mornings | Erie
(1st & 3rd) or (2nd & 4th) Tuesdays
Tuesday Mornings: 9:15-11am | Erie Campus
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith. MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on. Note: The MOMCo is open to first-time expectant mamas who’d like to be plugged in before baby arrives. If you want to try to put your kid(s) in childcare at any point, please reserve a spot now.
MOMCo at Night | Erie
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month
Tuesday Nights: 6:30-8pm | Erie Campus
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith. MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on. Note: The MOMCo is open to first-time expectant mamas who’d like to be plugged in before baby arrives. We do not offer childcare at our MOMCo at Night meetings.
MOMCo at Night | Thornton
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, starting September 24 | Thornton Campus
The MOMCo is a community of moms where conversations happen related to parenting, relationships, and faith. MOMCo table discussions focus on raising kids from the earliest years & on.